
Posts Tagged ‘spirit’

Note: Cross posted from STATIC Youth’s Weblog.


Jesus is considered by scholars such as Weber ...

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Below is a poll question from the Pew Research Center. I find the question interesting. Based on my conversations with most of my friends I am not sure I would get the same response, most of my friends with in the faith are liberals and they have a basic feeling that the

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Note: Cross posted from STATIC Youth’s Weblog.


Bachalpsee in the morning, Bernese Alps

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Each and everyday we all wake with the opportunity to make a difference in our lives. We awake with an newness that only exist in that moment. The moment before reality sets in. What we chose to do with that moment can make or break our day.

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Note: Cross posted from STATIC Youth’s Weblog.


calledtoministry This past weekend I spent my time reading and listing to Catholic radio. Of course I cleaned the house, did my wash and other such tasks, but I spent a lot of time sitting and reading. It was nice, I have not had a lot of time to do that, or should I say I have not made time to do that.

Note: Cross posted from STATIC Youth’s Weblog.


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Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553): Adam and ...

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I just spent the last few days out of town. I love to travel, but mostly when I travel, I travel out of the country, but this time it was only to a different state. Nothing exciting, just 3 hours away from my home. But this trip seemed at times to be a thousands miles way. Not sure why, but I think it was because I had a lot on my mind, and in a way I was thousands of miles away, not from home but from…. What I am not sure, it was/is just a feeling, and small feeling that seems to rest just on the inside of the door to my soul.

The small feeling, the one that is just on the inside of my soul most likely has been their for sometime. But the three hour car ride gave me time to reflect, time to open the door to my soul and seeing that small feeling just sitting there, waiting for me to open the door and find it. And I did, I found this small feeling, it was just sitting there, like it had been waiting for  months and years to be found. It wasn’t a new feeling, one that I have never had, rather it was an old feeling, one that I have walked around and stepped over for year and years. The dust and cobwebs that covered it were thick with pride. A pride that I have known for years, a pride that was and is eating away at this small feeling that was just on the inside of the door to my soul.

Pride, one of the seven capitol sins, and in many ways the root of all sin. It was pride that made Eve take that first bite, and pride that made Adam follow her in to sin. The proof of this, after they ate the fruit of the tree, they discovered they were naked. Their pride took over and they were now, for the first time, concerned at how they looked. Adam and Eve are the parents of pride, parents of the first sin.

Pride has kept me from seeing this small feeling just on the inside of the door to my soul, it cover it in a thick dust that hid it from my eyes, but that is what pride does, it hides the truth from you. We see this is our lives all the time, just like pride hid from Adam and Eve the beauty of their creation, pride has hidden from me this small feeling.

But the three hour drive gave me an insight, it gave me time to start to blow the dust and cobwebs off this small feeling, the one that was just on the inside of the door to my soul. I used the total of six hours to listen to some solidly Catholic talks on CD. Just before I left for my trip I selected a few talks on CD for my ride, you see I belong to the CD of the month club offered by Lighthouse media, a Catholic non-for-profit company that produces and distributes Catholic talks, and each month I get a new CD in the mail. Normally I would have listen to them as soon as I got them, but for the longest time I did not have a CD player in my car, and trying to listen to them at home, well lets just say that don’t work out to well. So I have a few un-listened to CD’s sitting around, so I gathered them up and placed them in my car.

A few days before I was to take this trip I decided I would break down and get a new stereo put in my car, one with a CD player. I just couldn’t deal with the drive with out some music or talk radio or something to help keep me company along the way. So with my talks on CD and a few select music CD’s I was ready for my trip. The funning thing is, I listened to only the talks, the the talks, well, they were perfect, I listened to all the talks I had, and when I pulled in the drive way at home, the last CD was played and I was listening to my Liberal CD. The timing was almost perfect, and it would have been if it were not for construction on the expressway.

God is good, He is good indeed!

The fact that the timing was almost perfect was not accident, it was divine.  Not only did the talks last as long as my drive time, but in a way each talk was talking about me, each talk was sending me, personally, a message. The titles of each talk were different, and the presenters were diverse, from priest to converts to new seminarians’.  But each talk was just perfect for what I  needed to hear. Each talk was given to me personally, it was like they wrote the talk just for me and just for this car ride.

God is good, He is good indeed!

The talks all had the same basic theme to them, pride and how pride is evil and how it tears you away from God and the life of perfection, how pride can and is slowly killing you, Non of the talks came out and said this, but this is what i heard. And more importantly it is what I needed to hear.

That small feeling, the one that is just on the inside of the door to my soul. The one I have been steeping over and moving around for years, that small feeling was dying, it was being eaten away by pride and if I didn’t do something soon it would be dead and nothing short of a miracle would bring it back to life. And the talks on the CD’s, well in a way they were the voice of God speaking to me and God was telling me “It is time to dust off the small feeling and to let it see the light of the I AM, to see the light of God”.

What a powerful message, one that will require a powerful conversion on my part. And one that I am not sure I am up to, but I will trust in the Lord and I will start to dust it off and see what lies under all the dust and cobwebs of pride. I will start the process of cleaning out my soul, to open the door up and let the wind of the Holy Spirit refresh and cleans my soul. I will allow the light of God to fill it, to illuminate it and to fill it with the warmth of Gods love. I will clear the way, and make a path for Jesus to enter in to my soul and to dwell there in a welcoming and comfortable environment.

So what is this small feeling, what is covered up with the dust and cobwebs of pride, it is forgiveness.   And how do I clear out the dust and cobwebs, by forgiveing, by placing aside my pride and forgiving. I have to learn to humble myself and forgive thouse who have hurt me and learn to forgive myself. This is going to be a long process, one that I am sure I will fail at several times, but than again there is a lot of dust the clear away ans the cobwebs can tangel me up. But with the grace of God and the prayers of others, I know I can do it.

God is good, He is good indeed!

God Bless


The Seven Capital Sins
1 Corinthians 1:18“[Christ the Wisdom and Power of God] For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


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Well it happens, every now and than days come along that just allow you to rest, to refuel, and that’s what Sunday was for me, a day to rest. Saturday I was up early and spent the morning at a conference, than Saturday afternoon I puttzed on the computer and around the house, didn’t do much, but never felt relaxed. But Sunday, after church I found that grove, the one that allows you to relax and to enjoy the day just as it is. So that’s what I did. I say by my pond, read some newspapers, finished a book and read some other books I have going (I like to read 3 or 4 books at one time).

It was a perfect day in all regards here in Michigan, the sun was out there was a slight breeze and a calm in the air that held me captive. It was a wonderful thing! It was a day that allowed you to get lost in it, no that’s not it, allowed doesn’t really give the day justice, it was more of a beckoning kind of day.This day beckoned me, called to my soul and begged me to get lost in her rays of sunshine and her cool breeze that tantalized me and engulfed me.

Days like that are perfection, they allow the soul to rest in the perfection of nature and in the kindness of God. The resting of the soul is paramount to a body in harmony with creation and the creator, it is this harmony that allows the creative process to flow.

The ability to get lost in the day is the ability to allow the natural energy of creation to take over, to fill you with the radiance of God and His loving and healing embrace. This ability is a natural ability, but modern man, in all his greatness, has lost this ability. It is now an ability that is lost, one that use to come natural now needs to be taught.

As we have created a more productive society, we have also created a more detached society. Detached from family, from each other and our neighbors. But more importantly we are detached from creation, and from the creator, God himself. This detached state draws energy from us, causing us to wear our, for our souls to get exhausted and for us to become less than what we are. The ability to rest in the Lord is the ability to find peace of soul.

Often times we are told that we must find peace of mind, to allow our minds to gather energy and rest, to place behind us the unpleasant realities of the modern world. Well I would challenge you that it’s not peace of mind that we need, but more likely peace of soul. We need to once again connect with the Lord on a level of intimacy that is currently unknown to us. We need to allow the Spirit of God to consume us, to fill us and to over flow from with in us.

The quiet of the heart leads to the pleasure of the soul…


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Sometimes the creative energy seems to be nowhere; no matter what I do I just can’t think of anything to write about. That’s the issue I am having at this moment. Over the weekend I read several things that I wanted to write about, or several ideas popped in to my head, now that it’s Monday morning, “poof” all gone! You would think I would learn to write them down, to email them to myself, to do something to remember the idea. But nope, I still don’t, and I always tell myself I will get better at that. You would think I would learn!

Well that’s just how it is, ain’t it. We do this all the time, we tell ourselves that starting now we will_____ (fill in the blank), but we never do. Why won’t I write down my blog ideas, what is it about that one little task I just can’t make myself do it?

Truly, I think I know, I think it has to do with me wanting the Spirit to guide me, to allow for the creative moment, and not to have “canned” blogs ready to use. But, if I truly looked at it, the Spirit did move me, just not when I wanted it to. How typical of humanity, expecting the Spirit to move me when I want it to, and not when it sees fit.

The Holy Spirit is not our personal toy, he does not follow are command. We must learn to open ourselves up to his lead. So maybe I just need to learn to let got and allow the Spirit room to work…

I will work on that


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There comes a time is our day to dayness that we must refuel our spirit, top off our energy and just tune-up our being. Well today is one of those days for me. I needed to stop and refuel myself.


Part of the process of creating a new you, is understands that it takes a lot of work, hard work. We really don’t think about it at the time, we just do what we must, but it takes a lot out of you.


Well I too am trying to create a new me, in a lot of different areas of my life, and as of late the process has been going strong and fast, God has called me to many different tasks, all at once, and today I said enough, I need me time, I need to refuel my spirit, my being. I need to rest. So that’s what I am going to do, I am going to spend time with me. Let my mind rest, let my beingness just do that, be.


I will be as I read, or clean the house, I will be as I do all the stuff I want to do, or not be, I will just be, all-day today, my goal is just to be.


I think its important that we allow ourselves the opportunity to get in touch with our beingness, or essence. To define beingness, I would say that our beingness is the core of who we are, as people. Not just our physical body, but also our soul, or spirit, or totality.


Beingness is the essence of which we are the center of our human life, here on earth. But we can not separate the body from the soul, the spirit. We all too often take care of the body and soul as two separate things, but in truth they arte one.


We need to learn to nurture both, we need to see them as one, they are our beignness, and they are our essence. They are what God has created. So today, I choose to nurture both.


How can we do this? Lots of ways, but first it must be an intentional act, one that we choose to make.


If you work out, to improve your body, listen to MP3’s of prayers, or meditations, so you are working both body and soul, you are working your beingness.


If you like to read, read inspirational uplifting books, so you are working out your mind and soul, your beingness.


If you are cleaning the house, play uplifting music or inspirational CD’s that challenge you, so you are working out your beingness.


We can incorporate it in all we do, we can work our body, mind and soul our beingness all at once.


So today, spend sometime with your beingness, and work it out a little, push it to its limits and allow it to grow.


As for me I am going to clean my house, and my soul, both can use a little cleaning. I am going to put my home and my beingness in order.



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